Monday, 14 July 2008


This is the worst period I had ever experienced since staying in UK. I was assigned to a new room after required by the hostel inorder to relocate all summer student in 2 block. Less than one week time, my body was covered with red itchy insect bite. There are Bed Bugs in my room!!! =.=" I requested the bed to be changed by the maintainece team. However after 2 days, there is still no sign of the rescue team. With an angry face I approached the hostel reception to get things done quickly. The reception are quite helpful which they advice me to shift to another room while they need to get the room be sterilised by the pest control team. So another shifting for me. *%@#
The bed bugs look like cockroaches but smaller. The tell tales sign are blood spot on the bed sheet. There are itchy red spot on your expose skin coming from nowhere. The bed have dark spotting and staining and trace of eggs,nymphs, and adults.
Should you find above symptoms do get help quick. Not to bring your old bed sheet and pillow to the new room. Request the hostel to provide you a new set. Wash all your cloth before moving to the new room.
Here are some use full info and photo i got form By Michael F. Potter, Extension EntomologistUniversity of Kentucky College of Agriculture

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