Friday, 22 August 2008

Farewell Party

Venue: The HUBs, Students Union, Pod C
Time: 7pm
Occasion: Farewell Party by Faculty of Development and Society (D&S)

The future QS with our lecturer Mr. Jan Wojturski

Yahoo, Mr. Wojturski bought us a drink. Thank you sir.

Sharing a picture with Mr. Stoneman and Mr.Wojturski. Love them.

While waiting for the food. Chat Chat chat.....

Hungry trooper on the move.

Yummy, free food.

Cool move guys.

Mrs.Michelle Daly and Mr.Norman Watts showing us few moves.

Everyone love Mr.Stoneman and enjoyed the night.

Thank You D&S and Michelle for organising this event. LOL

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi People!!! Nice party, I believe! My last name is Wojturski! Beeing searching for relatives, found this site! could anyone pass Mr Wojturski this message!?! Leaving my e-mail address, looking forward to hear from him! Thanks folks!