Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Summer Couse Feedback Session

I am pleased when I have been invited to join a SHU-summer program feedback session (Free Food there- Haha). During the session numerous issues from accommodation to Uni's facilities had been discussed. Representatives from various courses and university's various department attended the session. I am delighted to know that SHU is putting lots of effort in making the current summer program better every year. We understand that SHU is stretching out to provide the best for us in our tight financial situation, but do find ways to go around it.

I feel that other than a few small issues that needed improvement such as banking, arrangement of the friendship group in the accommodation, everything is nearly perfect. Love SHU’s facilities, library, lecturers, staff……

At the end of the session all students do agreed that is a blessing for all of us to be able to attend Sheffield Hallam University's Summer Program. To all junior please study hard and come over to SHU, experience an unforgettable lifetime here.

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