Thursday 14 August 2008

Say a little prayer for me!

I had a busy day today. Need to print and submit my assignment. First I forgot to bring blank A4 for the printing. Which mean no free print at the computer lab and need to pay prints in the library. After printing I notice I forgot to change my page header, so have to reprint again.Sigh.....
Finally when the assignment been handed in, I went to do some grocery shopping while waiting for a meeting at 5pm.
When I reach the hostel side gate it is almost 6pm, I notice my thumbdrive & hostel key been left on the computer lab. It had been left there since noon- more than 6 hours!!! With my tired feet I walk back to SHU crossing my finger and prying that no one taken it.
It is still there!!! Lucky me. I think mom have been praying hard for me- sending angels to protect me.

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